What are the categories available for booking ads in Sandesh


In Sandesh, you can book ads under various categories which include matrimonial, recruitment, property, business, education, public notices, retail, services, computers, personal, obituary, name change and lost and found. There are many other categories available for you on our website which you can check before booking the ad in Sandesh.  For any other information or assistance regarding the ad booking process, feel free to call us at 09830629298 or write us at bIn Sandesh, you can book ads under various categories which include matrimonial, recruitment, property, business, education, public notices, retail, services, computers, personal, obituary, name change and lost and found. There are many other categories available for you on our website which you can check before booking the ad in Sandesh.  For any other information or assistance regarding Sandesh Newspaper Advertisement  process, feel free to call us at 09830629298 or write us at book@releasemyad.com

Related to: SandeshHow to Book Post date: 06/06/2017 - 09:51AM